On Thursday, he blamed Sanjay Yadav, Tejahswi’s political adviser, for trying to create a rift in the family. On Friday he tried to meet Tejashwi, but it did not happen as the younger Yadav went to attend a virtual opposition meeting called by the Congress. Tej Pratap alleged that Sanjay Yadav didn’t let him meet Tejashwi and took him to Delhi when the state was suffering due to floods. He also said his father was watching everything but not making any comment.Later, Tejashwi Yadav’s statement made it quite clear that he was not ready to listen to Tej Pratap. Tejashwi said their parents had taught them to respect the elders. He was referring to Tej Pratap’s remark against senior party leaders Singh and Shivanand Tiwari. Tejashwi is in Delhi to be part of the Nitish Kumar-led delegation to meet PM Narendra Modi. During the trip, he is also expected to discuss the family issues with Lalu Prasad. Though RJD leaders have maintained a complete silence, sources said the family was not willing to give in to Tej Pratap’s theatrics this time.
Source: Economic Times