Romana is the party’s youth wing president.“SAD President Sukhbir Singh Badal announced Jagmeet Singh Brar from Maur, Jeet Mohinder Singh from Talwandi Sabo, Suba Singh from Jaitu, Mantar S Brar from Kotkapura, Kanwarjit S Rosy Barkandi from Mukatsar & Parambans S Romana from Faridkot as party candidate for Vidhan Sabha,” said party leader Daljit Singh Cheema in a tweet.The party chose Jagmeet Singh Brar, who had joined the Akali Dal in 2019, from Maur seat even as former minister and Akali leader Sikander Singh Maluka was keen on fighting from this assembly segment.Maluka had refused to contest from Rampura Phul assembly seat after he was named as the candidate on August 29.Maluka had then said that his son Gurpreet Singh Maluka should be fielded from Rampura Phul.Punjab has 117 assembly seats.
Source: Economic Times