Shivakumar, in a chat with a news channel on Tuesday, spoke about a power transfer deal, according to which he would succeed Siddaramaiah as CM. Shivakumar had said the CM’s post was not vacant now, but there had been an agreement the details of which cannot be shared now.
Siddaramaiah, speaking to the media in Mandya, said there had been no agreement on power sharing and the party high command’s decision was final.
Speculations of splitting the five-year between themselves through a rotational chief ministership emerged after the AICC leadership broke the logjam paving the way for the swearing-in of the new government after the Congress party’s win in the assembly polls.Shivakumar, who was nursing ambitions to take over as the CM, agreed to be the Dy CM and continue as the president of the Pradesh Congress Committee (KPCC).
Source: Economic Times