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Justice Arun Mishra turns down farewell invite citing Covid-19 pandemic

Senior Supreme Court Judge and Member of Collegium Justice Arun Mishra has politely declined the invite to attend farewell function proposed on the eve of his retirement.On Sunday, he wrote to the Presidents of Supreme Court Bar Association and Confederation of Indian Bar expressing his thanks for extending an invite to him.He, however, ‘excused’ himself stating that severe situation on account of COVID pandemic does not permit him to attend any farewell function.Justice Mishra, who in, July 2014, was elevated as a Judge of the Supreme Court of India retires on September 2.The Economic Times has reviewed his communication, wherein he stated that he considered the “Bar as the mother of the judiciary.”“it would have been a great pleasure to attend the said function. However, taking into consideration the severe situation and sufferings the world over on account of the COVID 19 pandemic, my conscience does not permit me to participate in any farewell function, I may therefore be excused,” he wrote.

Justice Mishra, however, assured that “when the situation normalizes, I will certainly visit the Bar and pay my respect.”

Source: Economic Times