New Delhi, Delhi BJP leaders and workers staged a demonstration outside Congress headquarters here on Saturday, against the alleged corruption of the grand old party in the backdrop of the recovery of huge amounts of “unaccounted” cash from Odisha. The BJP protesters led by state president Virendra Sachdeva marched towards Congress party headquarters at Akbar Road but were stopped by the police at a barricade. “Unaccounted” cash amounting to around Rs 250 crore was estimated to have been recovered through searches conducted by the income-tax department against an Odisha-based distillery group and entities linked to it, official sources said on Friday.
Premises linked to the Congress’s Rajya Sabha MP from Jharkhand, Dhiraj Prasad Sahu, were also covered during the searches, the sources said.
The protesters raised slogans against the Congress leaders and demanded action against Sahu. It’s a guarantee of Prime Minister Narendra Modi that the corrupt will be caught and the agencies are doing their job, Sachdeva said. The protest was also attended by West Delhi MP Parvesh Verma, Leader of Opposition in Delhi Assembly Ramvir Singh Bidhuri, and MLA Vijendra Gupta among others.
Source: Economic Times