Speaking to on the exit poll of Haryana assembly elections, Chautala said “Exit polls always show old figures. Exit polls of Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh also came in which Congress’ victory was shown but BJP formed the government… The exit polls will be exposed on 8th October and those who are claiming to form the government, their claims will also be shattered.”
Notably, the counting of votes will be done on October 8.
Earlier today, BJP candidate Anil Vij from Ambala Cantt downplayed the significance of these projections, stating that the actual situation on the ground is quite different.”‘Exit poll ki pol pehle bhi khul chuki hai’. (Exit polls have been exposed before as well). The situation on the ground is different. The vote percentage in Bhupinder Singh Hooda’s constituency reduced by 5 per cent. In my constituency, it increased by 3 per cent. This means that the public’s support for Congress has decreased. AAP has no support in Haryana,” Vij said while speaking to ANI.
According to TV-Today C voter projection, the Congress is likely to make a strong comeback in Haryana after a decade in the recently held Assembly elections.
The TV-Today C voter projection said that the party may win 50-58 seats in the state, while the BJP can win 20-28 seats. The other may get 10-16 seats. The majority mark to form the government in the 90-member assembly is 46.
According to the Republic TV-Matrize poll, the Congress Party may get 55-62 seats out of 90, while the BJP is poised to win18-24 seats.People Pulse poll survey said that the Congress may get 44-54 seats, BJP 15-29 and others may win up to 4-9 seats.Dainik Bhaskar in its poll survey suggested that the Congress will get 44-54 seats, BJP 15-29 and others may get 4-9.As per the Dhruv Research polls survey, the Congress may get 50-64 seats, and BJP may win up to 22-32 seats in the state.
Source: Economic Times