More than a year and a half into the pandemic, researchers are beginning to get a handle on how the coronavirus makes people sick and…
News published in “Science”
The westward journey of the mighty Yukon River takes it from its headwaters in Canada’s British Columbia straight across Alaska. The river has many stories…
Wild SoulsEmma MarrisBloomsbury, $28 On the Arctic Ocean’s fringe, polar bears stand on ice thinning from human-caused climate change. Without thick ice from which to…
Threadlike filaments pressed in rock may be the remnants of archaea that burped methane near hydrothermal vents 3.42 billion years ago. If so, these strands…
How ’bout them nuts? X-ray CT scans reveal that jostling a box of mixed nuts nudges oblong Brazil nuts to point more vertically, allowing the…
People have long speculated on the existence of worlds beyond our Earth. In the 17th century’s Paradise Lost, John Milton’s angel suggested to Adam that…
Mythology has its titans. So do the movies. And so does physics. Just one fewer now. Steven Weinberg died July 23, at the age of…
People with weak immune systems don’t always mount strong defenses against the coronavirus, even after being fully vaccinated. A third COVID-19 vaccine dose might help…
We know quite a lot about stars. After centuries of pointing telescopes at the night sky, astronomers and amateurs alike can figure out key attributes…
Somewhere off southeastern Japan’s coast around 3,000 years ago, a shark attacked and killed a man who was likely fishing or shellfish diving. Afterward, the…