Outer space is not friendly to life. Extreme temperatures, low pressure and radiation can quickly degrade cell membranes, destroy DNA and kill any life-forms that…
News published in “Science”
With emergency permission for using plasma donated by recovered COVID-19 patients to treat sick ones, some researchers are once again raising concerns that the push…
At the beginning of life, babies face racial health disparities that imperil their survival. The infant mortality rate in the United States is more than…
Female hyenas may be out for cubs’ blood — even within their own clans. New research suggests that infanticide may be part of a strategy…
A 33-year-old man in Hong Kong was infected with the coronavirus a second time, more than four months after his initial infection, researchers report. His…
Positronium is positively puzzling. A new measurement of the exotic “atom” — consisting of an electron and its antiparticle, a positron — disagrees with theoretical…
The sooner, the better is an adage that’s especially true when treating viral infections. Usually, drugs that tamp down a virus are given within the…
Mars dust up Predicting dust storms on Mars will help keep rovers and future astronauts safe on the planet’s surface, Lisa Grossman reported in “How…
Back-to-school time is usually greeted with delight by children and parents. This year, school has become a hellscape of uncertainty due to the United States’…
After a decade of fits and starts, officials in the Florida Keys have voted to allow the first test in the United States of free-flying,…