Astronomers have been arguing about the rate of the universe’s expansion for nearly a century. A new independent method to measure that rate could help…
News published in “Science”
A pinch of polymer-munching enzymes could make biodegradable plastic packaging and forks truly compostable. With moderate heat, enzyme-laced films of the plastic disintegrated in standard…
To understand neutrinos, it pays to be small-minded. The subatomic particles are so lightweight, they’re almost massless. They’re a tiny fraction of the mass of…
Like a dried-up lemon from the back of the fridge, neutron stars are less squeezable than expected, physicists report. New measurements of the most massive…
Eileen Donovan, an 89-year-old mother of seven living in a Boston suburb, loved watching her daughter teach class on Zoom during the coronavirus pandemic. She…
The continuing battle over pot — Science News, April 24,1971 The White House Conference on Youth voted to legalize the sale of grass (with restrictions).…
In December 2020, health officials in the United Kingdom announced that a new coronavirus variant was rapidly spreading across the region. Weeks later, U.S. officials…
Editor’s note: This story was updated with details of Ingenuity’s second flight. A helicopter just flew on Mars. NASA’s Ingenuity hovered for about 40 seconds…
Whether they’re made of methane on Saturn’s moon Titan or iron on the exoplanet WASP 76b, alien raindrops behave similarly across the Milky Way. They…
Big mouths to feed The oldest animal DNA yet recovered comes from a mammoth that lived over 1 million years ago, Erin Garcia de Jesús…